All Veraison consultants are accredited practitioners of the HILCA 360 (Health Industry Leadership Capability Assessment).

HILCA 360 uses both self-assessment and feedback from others to identify current and desired capability across 5 key leadership domains derived from the Health LEADS Australia Leadership Framework developed by the Australian Government;
- Leads Self - Relationship with, understanding of, and care for self, including strength of character, own
- self awareness and capacity to grow and develop self
- Engages Others - Ability to relate to, communicate and work effectively with others. Inspires and enables others, communicates with honesty and respect.
- Achieves Outcomes - Ability to articulate and promote the goals, spirit, purpose and strategic direction to influence the quality of care and sustainability of the system.
- Drives Innovation - Ability to champion the need for improvement, advocate for better outcomes and positively contribute to the spread of innovation.
- Shapes Systems - Facilitate strategies that achieve maximum benefits, using knowledge of trends and patterns within the interconnected health system
It also measures capability within the National Safety Quality & Health Service Standards. This section focuses on the behaviours expected by the health leader that supports positive patient-centrered quality care, and organisation outcomes.
Why HILCA 360?

"What I have learnt [from HILCA] has dramatically changed the way I deal with people. I know why I react the way I do and I can now stop and think about it before I respond. It’s been really helpful at the moment with everything going on [with COVID-19] as I’ve worked harder and longer than I ever have in my career." - Nurse Unit Manager, HILCA Participant.
We provide comprehensive HILCA 360 assessment and debrief packages to individuals and organisations. We offer support to ensure a seamless administration process that enables the collection of valuable feedback. Our accredited practitioners have varying backgrounds in psychology, counselling and coaching and take a partnership approach to the debrief process.
Our HILCA 360 assessment and debrief packages include:
- Needs analysis and tailored inventory set up
- Unlimited administration support
- Debrief with an Accredited Practitioner including comprehensive goal setting, results analysis and action planning
- Detailed and confidential HILCA 360 report
- 200 page interactive Self Development Guide Resource
- Additional coaching resources and live coaching throughout the process
- Optional 3-6 session performance coaching package following debrief to support personal transformation
- Optional Aggregate Report (for groups 5+) to assess opportunities for entire team
Contact us to discuss how a HILCA 360 and Coaching Package can grow and support your leadership development, or combine with HISCA to achieve the full picture of leadership impact and staff capability, engagement and culture.
Additional resources: